Honoré Gaming

Jan 18, 2021 Bells will ring at the Utah State Capitol to honor victims of COVID-19 SALT LAKE CITY (Jan. 18, 2021) — Gov. Cox has ordered that the bells at the Utah State Capitol will ring on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021 in honor of the lives lost to COVID-19. The state of Utah joins cities. Commander's Letter/Bio. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION. LEGIONS OF HONOR. International Commander. Dotted measuring run-down Wildcat. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

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HonorFirst.com web site recognized by BP HQ

Welcome to HonorFirst.com

Is Marijuana legal in your state? Since you are reading this, hopefully, you will not also be a doper. If you ARE interested in becoming a Border Patrol Agent, you need to be aware that Marijuana is STILL a VIOLATION of federal law. This is so important that I am posting it on the home page.
​So make up your mind NOW:


Hiring is currently OPEN until the end of this year. (See green button above).
Bookmark this page and check back frequently.
'America's True First Line of Defense'
Why US Border Patrol? Because we expect more from you as an agent.
We challenge you and give you the tools to do the job. If YOU are up to the challenge of being one of US, come inside. We will guide you, but it is really all up to YOU!
Take that first step and see if you have what it takes.
'We take you from on-line to the Border Line!'
The Oath
I, (your name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
5 USC § 3331

You have just taken the first step to become an Agent with the United States Border Patrol. You are embarking on an adventure that few will ever experience. This is not a job for the faint of heart. Choose well and good luck.
Your host and web master, Ray Harris, US Border Patrol Agent, Special Agent, Retired.'
Mission Statement
The stated goal of this web site is to provide you, the applicant, with the best information available to become an Agent with the United States Border Patrol and to provide to the Border Patrol the best, most qualified and well-informed applicants that can be found.

Prepare to BeginThe
Adventureof Your LIFE!
A Career with the
United States Border Patrol.

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Import Fit via ESI

Zikko Zinn
Blackwater Task Forces
Goonswarm Federation
Ship:Capsule( Capsule)
System:T5ZI-S (-0.1) / Delve
Location:Stargate (1DQ1-A) (10.39km)
Time:2021-01-06 16:07
Dropped:0.00 ISK
Destroyed:10,000.00 ISK
Total:10,000.00 ISK
Import Fit via ESI

Zikko Zinn
Blackwater Task Forces
Goonswarm Federation

Honor Definition

Ship:Capsule( Capsule)
System:T5ZI-S (-0.1) / Delve
Location:Stargate (1DQ1-A) (10.39km)
Time:2021-01-06 16:07
Dropped:0.00 ISK
Destroyed:10,000.00 ISK
Total:10,000.00 ISK

Item(s) Dropped / Destroyed

Item Type
Total Dropped:
Total Destroyed:
Grand Total:
3 Involved3 InvolvedDamageDamage
Al Borean/ Hecate
Russian Power Group 7/ 150mm Railgun II
Russian Legion of Honor
Al Borean
Russian Power Group 7
Russian Legion of Honor
Elite Drop/ Hecate
Tr0pa de elite./ Hecate
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Elite Drop
Tr0pa de elite.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Ghengis Khuan/ Hecate
Tr0pa de elite./ 150mm Railgun II
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Ghengis Khuan
Tr0pa de elite.
Test Alliance Please Ignore

Involved Alliance(s) / Corp(s)

Test Alliance Please Ignore2
— Tr0pa de elite.2
Russian Legion of Honor1
— Russian Power Group 71

Honor Malaysia

All EVE related materials are property of CCP Games

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28ms. / 26q