Iceborne Extra Slots Ii

When you augment your weapon with Extra Slots, you'll get 2 additional augment slots. This doesn't fill up any augment slot but costs rare materials & some Research Points. Strengthen Master Rank Weapons With Custom Upgrades Another new feature of Iceborne, weapons now have custom upgrades. Extra Slots II Spiritvein Gem x1, Spiritvein Solidbone x3, Tempered Glimmerpelt x3 +2 800pts. Layered Weapons is a cosmetic feature, added in the third Iceborne title update, that alters a weapon's appearance while keeping its stats the same. The Layered Weapons option becomes available when the Guiding Lands' Tundra region is first accessed.

  1. Iceborne Extra Slots Ii Metal Detector
  2. Iceborne Extra Slots Ii
  3. Mhw Iceborne Extra Slots 2 Materials Rarity 12

Since the Guidling Lands can seem a bit overwhelming for solo hunters (and hunters in general) I figured I go ahead and put something together to help my fellow hunters map out a plan for how they want to take them on. As someone who primarily hunts solo I've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out the best way of tackling the Guiding Lands with respect not only obtaining the crazy amount of materials you need for augmenting weapons but for figuring out how to get the materials needed for upgrading charms while doing so.

Iceborne Extra Slots Ii

The Basics
The Guiding Lands is broken up into six areas called biomes and each of the biomes contains two zones. Each biome can be leveled up seven times with certain levels available only after Master Rank (MR) caps have been removed. Level 5 biomes are unlocked after the MR49 cap has been removed, level 6 biomes are unlocked after the MR69 cap has been removed and level 7 biomes are unlocked after the MR99 cap has been removed. Biomes are leveled up by gathering tracks, breaking monster parts and capturing/killing monsters. As a biome levels up tempered versions of the monsters that spawn in that biome replace the non-tempered versions. You can go here for a list of what monsters spawn where and at what biome level they become tempered. The current cap for total biome levels is 27.

General Tips
It is highly recommended that you readjust your armor set(s) to add the Fortify skill and one level of the Geology skill. You don't lose any rewards for fainting outside of battle in the Guiding Lands so the 20% boost to attack and defense from Fortify is immensely helpful. One level in the Geology skill allows you to pick up most shinies twice. While the devs opted to not remove this (what seems to be) exploit via a patch yet it doesn't mean it won't eventually removed and, as such, you should definitely take advantage of it as most of the materials you obtain from the Guiding Lands are from shinies. Lastly, obtain every monster specific Guiding Lands material from each non-tempered monster at least once. This will allow you to meld that item later which is needed in cases where the biome they spawn in only spawns the tempered version of that monster. You don't need to kill/capture the monster, just flinch shot them into a wall and pick up the shinies.


Figuring Out Which Biomes to Focus On
It's recommended to know which specific weapons to want to augment and what charms you want to craft as this will allow you map a path. Below are tables listing materials that can only be obtained from specifically leveled biomes for both augmenting and for current popular charms. For a list of most Guiding Lands materials needed for both augmenting and charms you can go here.

Charm Upgrades
Awakening Charm IIICoral Region7
Challenger Charm IVWildspire Region6
Earplugs Charm IVForest Region6
Rotted Region7
Flood Charm VCoral Region5
Focus Charm IIIRotted Region7
Guardian Charm IIICoral Region7
Ironside Charm VRotted Region4
Shock Charm VForest Region4
Augmenting Materials
R10Affinity IIIForest Region4
Attack IIWildspire Region5
Ele/Status IIICoral Region5
Extra Slots IIITundra Region5
Health IIIRotted Region7
Deco Slot IWildspire Region3
R11Affinity IIIVolcanic Region7
Attack IICoral Region5
Defense IIIWildspire Region2
Defense IVWildspire Region4
Ele/Status IIIRotted Region5
Extra Slots IIITundra Region6
Health IForest Region6
Deco Slot IWildspire Region6
R12Ele/Status IRotted Region4
Ele/Status IIRotted Region6
Ele/Status IIIWildspire Region7
Extra Slots IIITundra Region7
Health ICoral Region7
R10-12Extra Slots IIVolcanic Region7

Biome Leveling Route
In terms of what your biomes will end up looking like depends on the level of effort your patient enough to put in. Below is the most ideal biome leveling up route in terms of the total number monsters (including all elders) you'll be able to hunt in the end, but it involves leveling up one biome to level 6 and two biomes to level 7 in order to gain access to materials than you can meld later if you find yourself needing them.

If you don't have the patience for that route then the route you should take depends on what weapons you use. If your augmentation plan doesn't require multiple levels of element/status and none of your charms require materials from the Wildspire Region and Rotten Region level 7 biomes then below is your most ideal route.

Iceborne Extra Slots Ii Metal Detector

Iceborne Extra Slots Ii

If your augmentation plan does require multiple levels of element/status (e.g. bow) or your charms require materials from the Rotten Region biome then below is your most ideal route. If you need materials from the Wildspire Region biome as well just level that biome up to level 7 before taking on this route. Keep in mind that by going this route you will not be able to augment any R11 weapon for health.

Leveling Up Specific Biomes
When first traveling to the Guiding Lands you'll see a list of three monsters that are currently available for hunting. Most monsters spawn in several biomes, but some monsters only spawn in one specific biome. The most efficient way of leveling up a specific biome is to gather the tracks of and capture (slay for Elders) the strongest available monster in that biome only if that monster spawns in two biomes at most (ideal is a single biome spawning monster). If a monster spawns in more than two biomes then the points distribution between the other biomes is not worth it versus hunting a monster a bit less strong that spawns in two biomes or less.

When you actually load into the Guiding Lands you'll be able to see which biome a monster has spawned in by opening your map and looking in the bottom left corner. Below is my recommended path of leveling for each specific biome if you want to focus on just getting that biome to level 7. Throw in some monsters that spawn in two biomes for more variety. Monsters marked with a * only spawn in that biome.

Forest Region1Great Jagras*
Forest Region2Nargacuga
Forest Region3Azure Rathalos
Yian Garuga*
Forest Region4Tobi-Kadachi (T1)*
Forest Region5Kushala Daora
Rathalos (T2)
Tobi-Kadachi (T1)*
Forest Region6Azure Rathalos (T2)
Nargacuga (T2)
Scarred Yian Garuga (T2)*
Zinogre (T2)
Wildspire Region1Barroth*
Wildspire Region2Barroth*
Wildspire Region3Barroth*
Black Diablos*
Wildspire Region4Barroth (T1)*
Wildspire Region5Barroth (T1)*
Diablos (T2)*
Wildspire Region6Black Diablos (T2)*
Diablos (T2)*
Gold Rathian
Coral Region1/2Coral Pukei-Pukei*
Coral Region3Legiana
Coral Region4Paolumu (T1)*
Coral Region5Coral Pukei-Pukei (T1)*
Legiana (T2)
Odogaron (T2)
Coral Region6Legiana (T2)
Nargacuga (T2)
Silver Rathalos
Zinogre (T2)
Rotted Region1/2Great Girros*
Rotted Region3Acidic Glavenus*
Rotted Region4Radobaan (T1)*
Rotted Region5Blackveil Vaal Hazak*
Odogaron (T2)
Radobaan (T1)*
Rotted Region6Acidic Glavenus (T2)*
Blackveil Vaal Hazak*
Brute Tigrex*
Radobaan (T1)*
Volcanic Region1Dodogama*
Volcanic Region2/3Brachydios*
Volcanic Region4Lavasioth (T2)*
Seething Bazelgeuse*
Volcanic Region5Lavasioth (T2)*
Seething Bazelgeuse*
Uragaan (T2)*
Volcanic Region6Brachydios (T2)*
Lavasioth (T2)*
Uragaan (T2)*
Tundra Region1Viper Tobi-Kadachi*
Tundra Region2Barioth*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi*
Tundra Region3/4Barioth*
Shrieking Legiana*
Stygian Zinogre*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi*
Tundra Region5Barioth*
Shrieking Legiana*
Stygian Zinogre*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi (T2)*
Tundra Region6Barioth (T2)*
Shrieking Legiana (T2)*
Stygian Zinogre*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi (T2)*

Iceborne Extra Slots Ii

Monster Spawning and Lures
The only current ways to change what monsters are currently available to hunt in the Guiding Lands is by completing/abandoning a quest or going on an expedition to another region, checking the Guiding Lands and if the monster you want to hunt hasn't spawned going on an expedition to a different region to repeat the process. It's a pain and can take a while (especially without a SSD). The other option you have is using lures that you obtain while hunting in the Guiding Lands.

You obtain lures so by either collecting Special Tracks (more on this here in the 'Guiding Lands Special Tracks Explained' section), carving/mining parts of tempered monsters (e.g. tails, Uragaan's back) or by capturing/killing tempered monsters. Lures obtained from Special Tracks are simple enough is that they'll be of a monster that fits the type of Special Tracks bar you filled (e.g. Flying Wyvern, Brute Wyvern). For lures obtained from tempered monsters what lure you could get depends on what biome the monster you obtained the lure can spawn in. For example, if you obtain a lure from hunting a Nargacuga you could get a lure for a monster than can spawn in either the Forest Region biome or the Coral Region biome.

Mhw Iceborne Extra Slots 2 Materials Rarity 12

Whelp, that's it for this guide. As more information in regards to materials comes out I'll upgrade the materials tables if I see the need. Until then best of luck and happy hunting!