Occasion Kids


Occasional Games


Special occasions aren't only for adults—make sure the kids in your life are dressed to the nines when it's time to shine. Tiny tulle dresses and pint-sized vests are perfect for baby girls and boys at name-day celebrations or first holidays (snowy christening outfits are timeless, unisex options for baptisms). Shop for girls occasion wear at Roco. Girls dresses, shoes, accessories, perfect for flower girls & bridesmaids all with free UK delivery.

1 [count]:a special event or time
  • birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions
  • They marked/celebrated the occasion with their families.
  • Roses are the perfect flower for any occasion.
  • a memorable/historic occasion
  • On the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, they took a vacation to Paris.
2 [count]somewhat formal:a particular time when something happens
  • This would mark the first occasion [=time] that the club accepted new members.
often used after on
  • We usually meet at noon, but on this particular occasion, we met at two o'clock.
  • I heard him speak on more than one occasion. = I heard him speak on several occasions.
3 somewhat formal:a chance or opportunity:a situation that allows something to happenusually followed by to + verb
  • The boys never had occasion to meet each other.
  • He took/used the occasion to make an announcement.
[singular]somewhat formal:a reason to do somethingoften + for
:sometimes but not often:from time to time

Special Occasion Kids Clothes

  • On occasion [=occasionally], we'll drive out to the beach and watch the sunset.
  • I have on occasion tried to help him with his homework.

Occasional Kidney Pain

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