Results Vary

Oct 17, 2019 Google’s objective is to deliver the most relevant and accurate results for all its users and this means that the results will vary on an international scale. Users are constantly using search engines and these are simultaneously becoming increasingly sophisticated and intuitive to provide even more accurate results back to its users. RESULTS MAY VARY. 9,321 people diagnosed 21 breast expansion female Tweets Daily results Result patterns 5,195,568: Enter your name for diagnosis.

The type of tests performed at Everlywell’s clinical laboratories may, in many cases, be performed at other laboratories. For example, cholesterol testing is offered by Everlywell as part of the Cholesterol and Lipids Panel and is widely offered by hospitals’ laboratories. You may happen to have results from both. What can you expect if you receive results from Everlywell and compare them to test results you may have received at another laboratory?

In general, results between laboratories, when using the same test method and sample type, will be very similar, but not necessarily exactly the same. This is expected because each laboratory establishes its own reference ranges. Reference ranges are the span of measured values in which patient samples are considered normal and/or abnormal. The College of American Pathologists (CAP) requires inter-laboratory testing and monitors the results to ensure that laboratories are not operating out of acceptable range.

Product Results Vary

Often the sample type that is tested differs. The method of testing may also differ. If the sample type and/or the test method differ from your Everlywell test, you may notice that the result values are different.

Everlywell uses minimally invasive methods to collect samples. We use the following sample types in our testing:

  • Saliva, deposited orally in a small collection tube
  • Dried Blood Spot, collected by pricking a fingertip with a lancet and dropping several samples onto designated areas on absorbent paper
  • Urine, collected by dipping absorbent paper into urine stream or urine collected in a small, clean container

These sample types are convenient for the customer to collect. They are very stable and can withstand extreme shipping and storage conditions without interfering with the test results.

Many, if not most, testing methods and laboratories rely on a venous blood draw for samples. This requires customers to visit a blood draw facility and trained phlebotomy staff to draw a blood sample. Venous blood draws may yield blood, serum, or plasma. Of these, serum is most frequently required for testing. Serum and other sample types may not yield the same values on the same test. One common reason is that serum contains protein that can bind to many substances, and this may interfere with measurements.

There are many tests used to measure the same analytes. An analyte is the material being tested. For example, cholesterol is the analyte in a cholesterol test from a serum sample. Cholesterol in serum may be measured by immunoassay or by spectrophotometry, two different test methods. The two results may not be directly comparable, because they come from two different tests. However, the reference ranges for the two tests should yield the same diagnosis from an individual. Again, CAP ensures that each laboratory test is operating as intended.

If your test results differ significantly, consider first whether the sample type and test methods are really the same. If your results (for example, normal vs. high risk) are the same for the two tests, then the reference ranges are likely different because the test methods are not directly comparable.

Author: Brian Hildebrandt, Last Updated: June 23, 2019

The normal range of PSA levels tends to increase as a man ages, with some minor variation between races.

High PSA test results will generally give your first indication of prostate cancer, alongside a positive Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) – another prostate cancer test.

PSA aka Prostate Specific Antigen is a protein enzyme produced in the prostate gland and released in to the blood stream.

After blood work analysis, the resulting PSA score shows how much of the enzyme you’re producing, and your probability of being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Results VaryVary

Normal PSA Ranges by Age

Unit Conversion Calculator

PSA Level Risk Analysis

  • 15% of men with a PSA level less than 4 ng/ml go on to develop prostate cancer.
  • 31% of men with PSA levels between 4 – 10 ng/ml have shown to develop prostate cancer.
  • 50% – 65% of men with psa scores over 10 ng/ml develop prostate cancer.

An important part of the your results is finding both the;

1. Total amount of PSA in your blood.

Product results vary

2. Ratio of free vs bound PSA.

Can Lab Results Vary Between Labs

Product results vary

Positive PSA Score Association with Other Conditions

Results Vary Disclaimer

The amount of PSA in your blood test may increase with other prostate conditions such prostatitis, enlarged prostate (BPH), or within two days after ejaculation.

Rest assured, even though your results may be high, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have prostate cancer. Just a greater risk of developing it.

Elevated PSA Range - Prostate Cancer Test

  • Normal PSA Levels: 0 - 4 ng/mL
  • Slightly Elevated PSA: 4 - 10 ng/mL
  • Moderately Elevated PSA: 10 - 20 ng/mL
  • Highly Elevated PSA: 20+ ng/mL

PSA Levels by Age Chart (Free to Total Ratio)

The main difference between the PSA scores of prostatitis and an enlarged prostate, compared to prostate cancer, is the ratio of free vs bound PSA within your test sample.

  • Prostate Cancer will have a higher bound PSA ratio.
  • An enlarged prostate and prostatitis will have a higher free PSA ratio.
  • If your free PSA results are less than 25%, your risk for developing prostate cancer is between 10% to 20%.
  • If your free PSA results are less than 10%, your risk for developing prostate cancer jumps to around 50%.

PSA Test Velocity (PSA-V)

Results Vary Disclaimer

The faster your PSA score increases over time, the greater your chances of developing prostate cancer. It may be a good idea to track your PSA over time, to determine your risk.

Results Vary

Average PSA Test Doubling Time (PSA-DT)

Another red flag. This calculation denotes the time it takes your PSA values to double.

Results May Vary Crossword

Can lab results vary between different labs

Results May Vary

Therefore it may signify the aggressiveness of any prostate abnormalities, whether it's an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, or prostate cancer.

If your average PSA readings double in less than three years your doctor will most likely order a biopsy, to look in to the problem further and discuss possible prostate cancer treatment options.