Frelons French To English

quotes about happiness in french

  • Translations in context of 'frelons' in French-English from Reverso Context: Un essaim de frelons attaqua les enfants.
  • Remuer translation in French-English dictionary. En Development: 1) Pour working solution into a clean, dry glass, metal or plastic tray. 2) Immerse exhibit into solution and rock gently for several seconds.
  • Since the early 1980s, the Super Frelons have been frequently used by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) for conducting shipborne ASW and SAR operations. For ASW missions, the Z-8 is equipped with surface search radar and a French HS-12 dipping sonar while carrying a Whitehead A244S torpedo under the starboard side of the fuselage.

The English for frelon is hornet. Find more French words at!

À bois noueux, hache affilée.
Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 12. ISBN 0415160502.

À chaque fou plaît sa marotte.
English equivalentː Every fool is pleased with his own folly.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). “147”. Dictionary of European Proverbs. I. Routledge. p. 139. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7.

A chaque oiseaux son nid est beau.
English equivalent: The bird loves her own nest.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). “923”. Dictionary of European Proverbs. II. Routledge. p. 776. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7.

À goupil endormi rien ne tombe en la gueule.
English equivalent: A closed mouth catches no flies.
“I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.”
Publilius Syrus, Sententiae (100 B.C)
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 73. ISBN 0415096243.

A grands maux, grands remèdes. / Aux grands maux, les grands remèdes.
English equivalent: Desperate times call for desperate measures/Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.

“Drastic action is called for – and justified – when you find yourself in a particularly difficult situation.”
Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 10 August 2013.
Emanuel Strauss (11 January 2013). “812”. Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 552. ISBN 978-1-136-78978-6. Retrieved on 10 August 2013.

À mauvais ouvrier point de bon outil.
English equivalent: A bad craftsman blames his tools.
Strauss, Emmanuel (1998). Dictionary of European Proverbs. Routledge. p. 4. ISBN 0415160502.

À cheval donné on ne regarde pas les dents (French) / la bride (Canadian).
English equivalent: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Gifts and donations in general, whether their value be more or less, should be accounted tokens of kindness and received with promptness and cordiality.”
Source for meaning: Porter, William Henry (1845). Proverbs: Arranged in Alphabetical Order …. Munroe and Company. p. 127.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). “184”. Dictionary of European Proverbs. I. Routledge. p. X. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7.

A confesseurs, médicins, avocats, la vérité ne cèle de ton cas.
English equivalent: Conceal not the truth from thy physician and lawyer.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 666. ISBN 0415096243.

A l’étroit mais entre amis.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1094. ISBN 0415096243.

À l’œuvre, on connaît l’artisan.
English equivalent: A workman is known by his chips.
Jean de La Fontaine, Fables (1668–1679), I., 21, Les Frelons et les Mouches à miel; reported in Thomas Benfield Harbottle and Philip Hugh Dalbiac, Dictionary of Quotations (French and Italian) (1904), p. 1.

À raconter ses maux, souvent on les soulage.
English equivalent: A problem shared is a problem halved.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 351. ISBN 0415096243.

À tort se lamente de la mer qui ne s’ennuie d’y retourner.
English equivalent: He complains wrongfully at the sea that suffer shipwreck twice.
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 898. ISBN 0415096243.

A qui il a été beaucoup donné, il sera beaucoup demandé.
English equivalent: Everybody to whom much is given, much is expected.
“More is expected of those who have received more – that is, those who had good fortune, are naturally gifted, or have been shown special favour.”
Source for meaning and proverbs: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 75. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Retrieved on 8 September 2013.** Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 1095. ISBN 0415096243.

Abondance de bien ne nuit pas.
English equivalent: A store is no sore; Keep a thing seven years and you’ll find a use for it.
Meaning: “An object that seems useless now may be just what you need at some future time, so do not discard it.”
Source for meaning of English equivalent: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 159. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Caroline Ward (1842). National Proverbs in the Principal Languages of Europe. J.W. Parker. p. 14.

Aide-toi et le ciel t’aidera.

definition - aerospatiale super frelon

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Frelons French To English Translator

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This article is about the Super Frelon. For other uses, see Frelon (disambiguation).
SA 321 Super Frelon
A Super Frelon helicopter of the French Navy
RoleHeavy-lift military Transport helicopter
First flight7 December 1962
Primary userFrench military
Number built99
VariantsAvicopter AC313

The Aérospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon is a three-engined heavy transport helicopter produced by Aérospatiale of France. The helicopter is still in use in China where the locally produced version is known as the Z-8. 'Frelon' is French for hornet.


  • 2Operational history
  • 4Operators


The SA-3210 Super Frelon was developed by Sud-Aviation from the original SE-3200 Frelon. Sikorsky was contracted to supply the design of a new six-bladed rotor and five-bladed tail rotor. Fiat supplied a design for a new main transmission. The first flight of the Super Frelon was December 7, 1962. A modified prototype Super Frelon helicopter was used on July 23, 1963 to break the FAI absolute helicopter world speed record with a speed of 217.7 mph.[1]

Both civilian and military versions of the Super Frelon were built, with the military variants being the most numerous by far, entering service with the French military as well as being exported to Israel, South Africa, Libya, China and Iraq.

Three military variants were produced: military transport, anti-submarine and anti-ship.

The transport version is able to carry 38 equipped troops, or alternatively 15 stretchers for casualty evacuation tasks.

The Naval anti-submarine and anti-ship variants are usually equipped with a navigation and search radar (ORB-42), and a 50 metre rescue cable. They are most often fitted with a 20 mm cannon, counter-measures, night vision, a laser designator and a Personal Locator System. It can also be refueled in flight.

Operational history

People's Republic of China

China acquired 13 Super Frelon SA321 naval helicopters in 1977-78. These helicopters came in two variants: anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) variant. The Super Frelon was the first helicopter of the PLA to be capable of operating from the flight deck of surface vessels. China also produces the Super Frelon locally under the designation Z-8 (land or ship based ASW/SAR helicopter). The Super Frelon remains operational with the PLA Navy today.

Since the early 1980s, the Super Frelons have been frequently used by the PLAN for shipborne ASW and SAR operations. For ASW mission, Z-8 is equipped with a surface search radar, French HS-12 dipping sonar while carrying a Whitehead A244S torpedo under the starboard side of the fuselage. They were also used to ferry supplies from replenishment ship to surface combatants, and transport marine troops from the landing ship to the shore. A naval SAR version called Z-8S with upgraded avionics and a searchlight, FLIR turret and a hoist flew on December 2004. Another rescue variant with dedicated medivac equipment onboard was also developed for the Navy as Z-8JH.

Z-8A version was developed as an army transport version and certified in February 1999. Two Z-8As were delivered to the Army for evaluation in 2001 but the Army decided to purchase more Mi-17V5s. Only one batch of about 6 Z-8A were delivered to the Army in November 2002, with the nose weather radar and side floats retained. Starting in 2007 PLAAF also acquired dozens of upgraded Z-8Ks and Z-8KAs for SAR missions, equipped with an FLIR turret and a searchlight underneath the cabin plus a hoist and a flare dispenser.

China also developed a domestic civil helicopter variant of Z-8, the Avicopter AC313. The AC313 has a maximum takeoff weight of 13.8 tonnes and can carry 27 passengers, It has a maximum range of 900 km (559 miles).[2]


In October 1965 SA321G ASW helicopter joined the French Aeronavale. Apart from ship-based ASW missions, the SA321G also carried out sanitisation patrols in support of Redoutable class ballistic missile submarines. Some were modified with nose-mounted targeting radar for Exocet anti-ship missiles. Five SA321GA freighters, originally used in support of the Pacific nuclear test centre, were transferred to assault support duties.

In 2003, the surviving Aeronavale Super Frelons are assigned to transport duties including commando transport, VertRep and SAR.

The SA321G Super Frelon served with Flottile 32F of the French Aviation navale, operating from Lanvéoc-Poulmic in Brittany in the Search and rescue role. They were retired on 30 April 2010, replaced by two Eurocopter EC225 helicopters purchased as stop gaps until the NHI NH90 comes into service in 2011-12.[3][4]



Designated SA321H, a total of 16 Super Frelon were delivered from 1977 to the Iraqi air force with radar and Exocets. These aircraft were used in the Iran-Iraq conflict and the 1991 Gulf War, in which at least one example was destroyed.


Israeli Super Frelon at the Israeli Air Force Museum in Hatzerim

Israel ordered 12 helicopters in 1965 to provide the Israeli Air Force with a heavy lift transport capability. The first helicopter arrived on April 20, 1966, to inaugurate 114 Squadron operating out of Tel Nof. Four helicopters had arrived by start of the 1967 Six Day War, during which they flew 41 sorties. The helicopters saw extensive service during the War of Attrition, participating in such operations as Helem, Tarnegol 5 and Rhodes. [5]

The type was once again in service during the Yom Kippur War, following which Israel replaced the type's original Turbomeca Turmo engines with the 1,870shp General Electric T58-GE-T5D engines. The Super Frelons also took part the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in June 1982[5] and were finally retired in 1991.


Six radar-equipped SA-321GM helicopters and eight SA321M SAR/transports were delivered to Libya in 1980-81.[6]

South Africa

Frelons French To English Dictionary

The SAAF ordered 16 Super Frelon helicopters. South African Air Force used them in counter insurgency fighting and in Angola. In 1990 the Super Frelons were withdrawn from service, and replaced by the Puma and later Oryx helicopters.

SAAF discovered Super Frelon performances were excellent at sea level, but the helicopter performances were worse than SAAF Pumas performances at high and dry places. During the bush war the helicopter proved its poor cargo carrying capacity, being outperformed by SA.330L Puma helicopters.[citation needed]


Syria is believed to have purchased 21 Super Frelon helicopters, although it seems Syria never operated them. These helicopters may have been diverted to Iraq or Libya.


A Super Frelon taking off from the flight deck of the Clémenceau

Frelons French To English Yandex

A Super Frelon helicopter of the 32F wing, landing on the Ouragan
SA 3200 Frelon
Prototype transport helicopter powered by three 597 kW) (800 hp) Turbomeca Turmo IIIB engines diving four bladed rotor of 15.2 m (50 ft) diameter. Two built, first flying 10 June 1958.[7]
SA 321
Pre-production aircraft. Four built.
SA 321G
Anti-submarine warfare version for the French Navy, powered by three Turbomeca IIIC-6 turboshaft engines; 26 built.
SA 321Ga
Utility and assault transport helicopter for the French Navy.
SA 321GM
Export version for Libya, fitted with an Omera ORB-32WAS radar.
SA 321H
Export version for Iraq, powered by three Turbomeca Turmo IIIE turboshaft engines, fitted with an Omera ORB-31D search radar, and armed with Exocetanti-ship missiles.
SA 321F
Commercial airline helicopter, powered by three Turbomeca IIIC-3 turboshaft engines, accommodation for 34 to 37 passengers.
SA 321J
Commercial transport helicopter, accommodation for a 27 passengers.
SA 321Ja
Improved version of the SA.321J.
SA 321K
Military transport version for Israel.
SA 321L
Military transport version for South Africa, fitted with air inlet filters.
SA 321M
Search and rescue, utility transport helicopter for Libya.
Changhe Z-8
Chinese built version with three Changzhou Lan Xiang WZ6 turboshaft engines.
Changhe Z-8A
Army transport
Changhe Z-8F
Chinese built version with Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6B-67A turboshaft engines
Changhe Z-8AEW
Chinese AEW helicopter with retractable radar antenna, AESA radar, 360 degree coverage, redesigned nose similar to the AC313, and FLIR.[8]


A Super Frelon helicopter of the 35F wing of the French Navy

Military Operators

People's Republic of China
  • People's Liberation Army Air Force operates Jingdezhen (Z-8) variant.
France (retired 2010)
South Africa
  • Zairian Air Force - One helicopter only.

Civil operators

  • Olympic Airways - Former operator. One SA.321F helicopter was operated by Olympic Airways, it was used to ferry passengers between the Greek Islands. This aircraft, F-OCMF, named Hermes, was retired to The Helicopter Museum, Weston super Mare, UK
  • BAT

In popular culture

  • In Columbia Pictures' 1988 Soviet/Afghanistan War drama The Beast, the Super Frelon was used to represent Communist-bloc helicopters, being that no examples of Soviet aircraft were available for use due to the existence of the Iron Curtain, which would collapse 3 years later.

Specifications (Naval Super Frelon)

Data from Jane's All The World's Aircraft 1976-77 [9]

General characteristics

  • Crew: 5
  • Capacity:
    • 27 passengers or
    • 15 stretchers
  • Length: 23.03 m (75 ft 6⅝ in)
  • Rotor diameter: 18.90 m (62 ft 0 in)
  • Height: 6.66 m (21 ft 10¼ in)
  • Disc area: 280.6 m² (3,019 ft²)
  • Empty weight: 6,863 kg (15,130 lb)
  • Max. takeoff weight: 13,000 kg (28,660 lb)
  • Powerplant: 3 × Turboméca Turmo IIIC turboshafts, 1,171 kW (1,570 hp) each


  • Never exceed speed: 275 km/h (148 kn/170 mph)
  • Maximum speed: 249 km/h (135 kn/155 mph)
  • Range: 1,020 km (549 nmi/632 mi)
  • Service ceiling: 3,150 m (10,325 ft)
  • Rate of climb: 6.7 m/s (1,312 ft/min)
  • Endurance: 4 hr


  • Guns: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) cannon[citation needed]
  • Missiles:
    • 4× homing torpedoes in the ASW role or
    • 2× Exocet missiles in the anti-ship role

See also

Related development
  • Avicopter AC313
Aircraft of comparable role, configuration and era
  • SH-3 Sea King
Related lists
  • List of helicopters


  1. ^Taylor 1966, p. 63.
  2. ^'AC313 Civil Helicopter'. Retrieved 5 April 2011.
  3. ^Grolleau 2009, pp.56-60.
  4. ^Grolleau 2010, p.12.
  5. ^ abNorton, Bill (2004). Air War on the Edge – A History of the Israel Air Force and its Aircraft since 1947. Midland Publishing. p. 310. ISBN1-85780-088-5.
  6. ^Donald and Lake 1996, p. 16.
  7. ^Stevens 1964, p.55.
  8. ^
  9. ^Taylor 1976, pp.40–41.
  • Donald, David and Jon Lake. Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft. London: Aerospace Publishing, Single Volume Edition, 1996. ISBN 1-874023-95-6.
  • Grolleau, Henri-Paul. 'French Navy Super Hornets'. Air International, May 2009, Vol 76 No. 5. Stamford, UK:Key Publishing. ISSN 0306-5634. pp. 56–60.
  • Grolleau, Henri-Pierre. 'Hello EC225, Goodbye Super Frelon'. Air International, June 2010, Vol 78 No. 6. UK:Key Publishing. ISSN 0306-5634. p. 12.
  • Stevens, James Hay. 'Super Frelon: Western Europe's Most Powerful Helicopter'. Flight International, 9 July 1964. pp. 55–59.
  • Taylor, John W.R.Jane's All The World's Aircraft 1966-1967, London: Sampson Low, Marston & Company, 1966.
  • Taylor, J.W.R. Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1976-77. London:Macdonald and Jane's, 1976. ISBN 03540005383.

External links

Sud Aviation/Aérospatiale aircraft
Fixed-wing aircraft

ATR 42 • ATR 72 • ATSF • CM.170 Magister • CM.175 Zephyr • Concorde • N 262 • SE 210 • SN 601 • TB 30


SA 313 • SA 315B • SA 316 • SA 318 • SA 319 • SA 321 • SA 330 • SA 340 • SA 341 • SA 342 • AS350 • AS355 • SA 360 • SA 365/AS365

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PLAAF/PLANAF helicopters
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