Fplot Ezplot

Fplot is almost an alias for ezplot as all ez. Will be replaced by MATLAB with function names f. Ezplot should mimick the Matlab function of the same name, has more functionality, misses the possibility to plot several functions.

  1. Ezplot Vs Fplot
  2. Ezplot Plot

Ezplot (f) plots the expression f (x) over the default domain -2π f (x) is an explicit function of only x. Where as, fplot (f) plots the curve defined by the function y = f (x) over the default interval -5 5 for x. We can plot the curve over some specified interval as well. The function fplot also generates two-dimensional plots with linear axes using a function name and limits for the range of the x-coordinate instead of the x and y data. For example, fplot (@sin, -10, 10, 201). H = ezplot Plot the 2-D curve defined by the function f. With plot you have to manually define the x values and compute the corresponding y given by the function. x = 0.01:1; y = sin(10.x); plot(x,y,'.-') With fplot you define the function generically, for example as an anonymous function; pass a handle to that function; and let Matlab choose the x values and compute the y values. Fplot (f,xinterval) traza sobre el intervalo especificado. Especifique el intervalo como un vector de dos elementos con la forma xmin xmax.


Easy function plot w/o the need to define x, y coordinates.




Function to be plotted.


interval [a, b] to plot the function in

a, b

Left and right endpoint for the plot.


Number of points to plot.


Color of the function graph.


logical; shall the polt be added to an existing plot.


line type; default 1.


line width; default 1.


no. of markers to be added to the curve; defailt: none.


poimt character; default circle.


Logical; shall a grid be plotted?; default TRUE.


Color of grid points.


Logical; shall the area between function and axis be filled?;default: FALSE.


Color of fill area.


Label on the x-axis.


Label on the y-axis.


Title of the plot


More parameters to be passed to plot.


Calculates the x, y coordinates of points to be plotted andcalls the plot function.

If fill is TRUE, also calls the polygon functionwith the x, y coordinates in appropriate order.

If the no. of markers is greater than 2, this number of markerswill be added to the curve, with equal distances measured along the curve.


Plots the function graph and invisibly returns NULL.


fplot is almost an alias for ezplot as all ez... will be replaced by MATLAB with function names f... in 2017.

ezplot should mimick the Matlab function of the same name, hasmore functionality, misses the possibility to plot several functions.

See Also


Fplot Ezplot

Example output

MATLAB Function Reference

Easy to use function plotter



ezplot(f) plots the expression f = f(x) over the default domain: -2 < x < 2.

ezplot(f,[min,max]) plots f = f(x) over the domain: min< x <max.

For implicitly defined functions, f = f(x,y):

ezplot(f) plots f(x,y) = 0 over the default domain -2 < x < 2, -2 < y < 2.

ezplot(f,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) plots f(x,y) = 0 over xmin< x < xmax and ymin < y < ymax.

ezplot(f,[min,max])plots f(x,y) = 0 over min < x < max and min < y < max.

If f is a function of the variables u and v (rather than x and y), then the domain endpoints umin, umax, vmin, and vmax are sorted alphabetically. Thus, ezplot('u^2 - v^2 - 1',[-3,2,-2,3]) plots u2 - v2 - 1 = 0 over -3 < u < 2, -2 < v < 3.

ezplot(x,y) plots the parametrically defined planar curve x = x(t) and y = y(t) over the default domain 0 < t < 2.

ezplot(x,y,[tmin,tmax]) plots x = x(t) and y = y(t) over tmin < t < tmax.

ezplot(...,figure) plots the given function over the specified domain in the figure window identified by the handle figure.

Ezplot Vs Fplot


Array multiplication, division, and exponentiation are always implied in the expression you pass to ezplot. For example, the MATLAB syntax for a plot of the expression,

which represents an implicitly defined function, is written as:

Ezplot Plot

That is, x^2 is interpreted as x.^2 in the string you pass to ezplot.


This example plots the implicitly defined function,

    x2 - y4 = 0

over the domain [-2, 2]:

See Also


ezplot3, ezpolar, plot

Function Plots for related functions
