Qots Season 5

Season 4 Quotes. Season 6 Quotes. Season 7 Quotes. While we are waiting for the next season, we’ve collected some of the best lines of the season 5 just for your enjoyment. Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Russian Rocket Reaction Leonard: I'd like to propose a toast. The dream to go up into space is one we all share, and Howard's making that a reality. We're all very proud of you. Season 5 5.01 Like Hell Pt.1 BO: Lauren, I don't want to hurt anyone. “Everyone wants to know their future, until they know their future” – Maggy. Maggy is the Witch who. Everything we know about 'This Is Us' Season 5, including when it is coming back in January 2021, spoilers, character storylines, cast, season 4 finale recap and more.

501 7A WF 83429512 Slow NewsDay
502 The Dogs Of War513 The Warfare of GenghisKhan
503 Jefferson Lives514 An Khe
504 Han515 Full Disclosure
505 Constituency Of One516 Eppur Si Muove
506 Disaster Relief517 The Supremes
507 Separation Of Powers518 Access
508 Shutdown519 Talking Points
509 Abu el Banat520 No Exit
510 The Stormy Present521 Gaza
511 The Benign Prerogative522 Memorial Day

7A WF 83429

President Walken: 'If Zoey Bartlet turnsup dead, I'm going to blow the hell out of something, and God only knowswhat happens next.'

Bartlet: 'So what's Walken going to do? CryHavoc and let slip the dogs of war?'
Leo: 'I'm really not at liberty to discussthat with you, sir.'

Democrat Speaker: 'You've elevated Walkenand the Republicans. You've made them genuine players on the world stage.'
Leo: 'I didn't elevate them. The PresidentialSuccession Act of 1947 did. And I'm not prepared to think about politicswhen we're under terrorist attack. The Republic comes first.'

Larry: 'If the economy is heading into arecession--'
Josh: 'No, no, no. We don't ever use thatword around here.'
Ed: 'What word? Recession? ...What shouldwe call it then?'
Josh: 'I don't care. Call it a boat showor a beer garden or a bagel.'
Larry: 'So if it is a... bagel, the Fedthinks it's gonna be a mild bagel.'


Ryan: 'Do you guys always walk so fast?'
Josh: 'Yes'

Josh: 'You're campaigning in the middle ofa national tragedy....'
Atwood: 'You don't get it, do you? The Republicansare in awe of Bartlet. He recused himself in the only way he could. Inthe way envisioned by the Constitution... The whole notion of the 25thAmendment is that the institution matters more than the man. Bartlet'sdecision was even more self-sacrificing because he willingly gave powerto his opposition... We'd seem callous and unfeeling. In contrast to Bartlet'sextraordinary gesture of courage and patriotism.'

Bartlet: 'It's about our allowing situationsin these countries to develop in the first place... We choose the orderand certainty of petty despots over the uncertainty and chaos of developingdemocracies.'


CJ: 'Smart offense.'
Will: 'Error-free ball.'
Josh: 'Knock yourselves out, but he's aslam dunk.'
Toby: 'Okay, that's one too many sportsmetaphors.'

Zoe: 'My dad loves Fourth of July stuff.Like Jefferson and Adams dying on the same day.'
Charlie: 'Adams thought Jefferson had survivedhim and 'Jefferson Lives' were his last words.'

Will: 'Diane Frost is a serious name.'
Josh: 'Diane is a serious loon of the left.'
Toby: 'I love Diane Frost. I'd marry DianeFrost if I were a member of her stated sexual preference, but Diane isthe definition of unelectable.'

Will: 'Who is Robert Russell?'
Josh: 'He's the Congressman from WesternColorado, and I don't mean the state, I mean the mining company.'
Toby: 'Bob Russell is not presidential.'
CJ: '...Is he Bingo Bob?'

Will: 'We're having trouble with the Democrats.'
CJ: 'Wow, along with the Republicans. That'skind of everyone.'

Russell: 'I'm sure that my name came up becausesome see me as the bland candidate. Nobody's nightmare. The triumph ofmediocrity. If I were to take the job, I'd mean to confound those expectations,and I'd want you to know that.'


CJ: 'What's your point?'
Barrow: 'That I know more about this youdo.'

Will: 'The President wants more altitude.I'm having conscience issues.'
Toby: 'Well, I'm sure you've had to saythings you haven't meant before. You've read friend's poetry, had girlfriends...just hold your nose and hype him.'

CJ: 'Do any of us know the price of milk?'

Toby: 'In a triumph of the middling, a nodto mediocrity, and with gorge rising, it gives me great nausea to announceRobert Russell - Bingo Bob, himself - as your new Vice President.'
Will: 'This lapdog of the mining interestsis as dull as he is unremarkable...'
Toby: '...as lackluster as he is soporific.This reversion to the mean...'
Will: '...this rebuke to the exemplary...'
Toby: '...gives hope to the millions unfavoredby the exceptional... Bob Russell: not the worst, not the best, just whatwe're stuck with.'

Russell: 'I know my public profile, my politicalpersona. I'm just glad to see there's such a keen awareness of the scaleof the job you've all got ahead of you. I'm part of the team now, whichmakes all this pretty much your problem. Good luck with it.'


Will: 'I need to see my bed, I'm thinkingof carrying a picture of it on my wallet.'

Russell: 'I'm playing with a handicap...the spare tyre on the automobile of government.'

Donna (to Josh): 'Your birthday is not foryou, it's for the rest of us.'

Leo: 'He's a Democrat from Idaho. They useDemocrats for target practice up there. Sometimes he's got to lean to theright.'

Toby: 'Where's our hundred days? Where'sour Great Society? Where's our New Frontier? Somebody's got to do whatwe came here to do.'

Josh: 'You're leaving the party because ofme?'
Carrick: 'I'm not leaving the party becauseof you - but you made it a whole lot easier.'


Donna: 'Schadenfreude?'
CJ: 'You know, enjoying the suffering ofothers. The whole rationale behind the House of Representatives.'

Josh: 'I feel good. I have my health, I havecentral air... in the hierarchy of pain and suffering, I really can't complain.I mean, I will.'

Donna: 'Sam wanted me to remind you: Yougotta roll with the punches.'
Josh: 'Do people keep cliche thesaurusesaround for times like this?'

Leo: 'Anything new on Carrick?'
Josh: 'Yeah, he's a Republican.'

Leo: 'Nobody's happy you lost Carrick, butwe're all about moving forward and we can't do that without you. I do,however, have to take you out to the wood shed and whack you with a two-by-four.'
Josh: '...Whack away.'

CJ: 'We need to go back now. I told Leo we'donly be here a few hours. He needs you to meet with Singer and the BlueDogs. The Chancellor is waiting and there's something about a war betweenancient civilizations.'
Bartlet: 'These people need me.'
CJ: 'No, sir, they don't. Maybe they didyesterday. But now they need their town back. They need their police officersworking, not clearing intersections for your motorcade. They need the 50motel rooms we took last night for people who lost their homes.'

Donna: 'All the stuff we never have timefor. Stuff we thought we'd fix when we got here but never did. Foreignadoption policies. Hybrid energy partnerships. Extending the roadless conservationplan.... Funding special education for kids with disabilities. Ammunitioncontrol: 'What's a gun without bullets?' A 21st centrury Teachers Corps...'


Toby: 'It's time to get Ashland off the bench,Leo.'
Will: 'There's this thing called the Constitution.It's a nagging little document, I'll grant you, but...'

Josh: 'Haffley's not Prime Minister. Youtake this to the president, you know what he'll say?'
Leo: 'He'll say yes.'
Josh: 'How can you say that?'
Leo: 'To keep the lights on. To make surea couple of million government employees keep getting paid. It's two moremonths.'
Josh:'This isn't governing, it's duck andcover.'
Leo: 'He'll say that, too.'

Chief Justice Ashland: 'I think it's timewe called each other by our first names Joe.'

Ashland: 'Its all compromises, now. The oneswho have no record of scholarship; no body of opinions, nothing you canhold them to. That's who they'll confirm. Raging mediocrities... I havegood days and bad. But on my worst days, I am better than the amped-upambulance chasers you could get confirmed by this Senate. You can't doit, Jed. You're not strong enough. The Speaker's running the table andI can't take a chance.'


Donna: 'There's no agreement.'
Josh: 'How far apart are we?'
Donna: 'They're leaving the building.'

Leo: 'Don't go out there again until morning.'
CJ: 'Okay, but the enemy's advancing andyou had better give me more than a squirt gun before the sun comes up.'

Leo: 'It's not always enough to be rightsir... you're putting all our chips down on a single hand we can't win.'

Russell: 'If you want to blame someone, blameJames Madison.'

Haffley: 'We could give ever student in America$10,000 a year, but instead we fund the Department of Education.'

Bartlet: 'Well, I'm not going to negotiatewith anyone who holds a gun to my head. We had a deal. I don't care ifmy approval ratings drop into single digits. I am the President of theUnited States, and I will leave the government shut down until we cometo an equitable agreement.'


Donna: 'There are pages turned down withPost-its to tell you which of your relatives the gifts are for. If you'rehappy with the choices you should initial at the X. If you're not happywith the choices, you should remember how this goes when you try to dothis yourself.'
Josh: 'I like the polar fleece stuff.'
Donna: 'Who's in charge of shopping?'
Josh: 'You are.'

Leo (to Josh): 'You have to go back and tellhim no. In no uncertain terms. Draw a picture if you need it. A ballotin a circle with a line through it.'

Abbey (to Jed): 'You're a bright guy, andthat's a stupid question.'

Elizabeth Bartlet: 'We're a good team. Wehave different strengths, skills. He has skills you've never even bothered...'
Jed: 'He's a great guy and a fantastic father.You're the politician. Why the hell don't you run?'

Josh: 'Who's that for? You picked your owngift?'
Donna: 'I'm in charge of shopping.'
Josh: 'I got your gift.'
Donna: 'No, you didn't. Three weeks in advance?'
Josh: 'I saw it Thanksgiving. I got it.'
Donna: 'No, you didn't. What is it?'
Josh: 'I'm not telling you.'


Toby: 'I've been walking up and down theseaisles looking at these old men, these great and terrible old men, andthinking: prosperous, free and democratic Saudi Arabia - something to wishfor. But the men on this plane spent the better part of the late 20th centurytrying to play God in other countries. And the regimes they anointed arethe ones that haunt us today. Yeah, I'm not making much progress with theeulogy.'


Charlie: 'Are you the devil?'
Angela: 'It's folks that act like angelsthat I worry about.'


Toby: 'More college kids think they'll seeUFOs than Social Security cheques.'

Will: 'Russell's instinct is to make funof his blandness, salt his speeches with self-deprecating jokes.'
Josh: 'Such as?'
Will: 'Bob Russell is so dull, his SecretService code name is Bob Russell.'

Toby warns Rina: 'Tell anyone what you'redoing or what the topic is, become any more likeable before this projectis over--'

Senator Gaines: 'Either you're lying, orthe left hand doesn't know what the far left hand is doing.'

Donna (to Rina): 'I was tired of everyonedressing the same, anyway.'

Bartlet: 'I'm the one who's accountable.Not in the morning papers... but in fifty, a hundred years, when Tuesday'spoll samples have crumbled into dust.'


Josh: 'What I know is politics, public perception.And the image of NASA is not good. Telescopes launched that can't focus,planetary probes that crashed because engineers mixed up metres and feet.The only time NASA makes the front page anymore is when something goeswrong. You need to get off the front page. This administration only hasone space priority: that you guys stop screwing up.'

Josh (later): 'I prepare even for meetingsI don't want to go to. I wasn't improvising.'

Donna: 'Would you be going if she weren'tattractive?'
Josh: 'We'll never know.'

Leo: 'My generation never got the futureit was promised... Thirty-five years later, cars, air travel is exactlythe same. We don't even have the Concorde anymore. Technology stopped.'
Josh: 'The personal computer...'
Leo: '...Where's my jet pack, my colonieson the Moon?'

Bartlet: 'Your argument boils down to askingthat the world trust you.'
Israeli PM: 'As does America's.'

Toby: 'The fate of the world just hung ona Bingo Bob brainstorm... we need a better plan.'


Kenny O'Neill: 'And no arguments about beingtoo busy saving the world for democracy.'
Leo: 'Saving it from democracy is what itfeels like.'

Barrow: 'We can't go get them. Sending aretrieval team into North Korea will be seen as an act of war.'
Leo: 'We're still at war with North Korea.We've never signed an armistice.'

Josh: 'How's she doing?'
Toby: 'I think the Christians did a littlebetter with the lions.'

CJ: 'Health care reform! From a guy who'sstill on the fence about the application of leeches!'

Leo: 'We were out in the jungle for threedays. Kenny carried me on his back, hid me under piles of leaves whilehe went to find us water. I was delerious. I lost a lot of blood. He couldaleft me, he shoulda left me. He never did. We found a clearing where wecould send up a flare, and a couple hours later these two Hueys show uptaking all kind of AK fire. Men died for us. We had a responsibility tolive our lives with integrity and honesty to honour their sacrifice.'

Bartlet: 'Corruption of the best is the worst.'


Toby (to Ed & Larry): 'This meeting'sabout politics. Facts won't help.'

Will (to Josh): 'The Vice President wouldlike to urge you not to close any bases in states with more than one electoralvote.'


CJ: 'I'd pretty much do anything to avoidusing 'Mr. President' and 'your daughter' in the same sentence.'


Toby: 'I'd be yelling too.'

Leo: 'I've got ten bukcs says you're bangingyour head against a wall.'
Josh: 'Twenty.'

Abby: 'Would you like me to do interviewswith the Press Corps?'
CJ: 'God, no. They're the most cynical bastardson the planet. You need to get beyond the Washington echo chamber and speakright to the people... Give a Muppet a check up. Get your message out.'

Charlie: 'I'm crazy for Muppets, I'm justtrying to act cool.'


Josh: 'Lang? Isn'tshe a lefty?'
Leo: 'Yes. We wantthe left flank sufficiently mollified and the right flank sufficientlypanicked so as to inspire a little conciliation on all flanks.'

Shelton: 'There aremoderates who are called that because they're not activists. And thereare moderates that are called that because sometimes they wind up on theleft and sometimes on the right... My allegiance to the eccentricitiesof a case will reliably outweigh my allegiance to any position.'

Lang (stunning Joshand Toby): 'Can I get some water while you regroup?'

Toby: 'Shelton's notbright enough for you?'
Josh: 'I want morethan bright. If we had a bench full of moderates in '54, Separate but Equalwould still be on the books...'
Toby: 'Moderate meanstemperate. It means responsible. It means thoughtful.'
Josh: 'It means cautious.It means unimaginative.'

Ashland (to Josh andToby): 'Who let them in? Carrier pigeons?'

Donna: 'Omigod! You'reputting my mom's cats on the Supreme Court.'

Donna: 'Is Lang stillin there? ...She has to leave. Her evil twin is on the way.'

Bartlet (about Mulready):'You like him?'
Toby: 'I hate him!I hate him, but he's brilliant.'

Mulready: 'They can'tput me on the Court. Just like you can't put Evelyn Lang on the court.It's Sheltons from now on.'


CJ: 'You begin everyday juggling a very precise schedule which completely, completely fallsapart mid-morning.'


Josh: 'How'd you becomea free-trader?'
Will: 'America hasa quarter of the world's wealth and only two percent of the customers.You have to sell to others.... Keep out cheap foreign drill-bits and thatcountry will keep out cheap American something-else and that costs us jobs....You have to go with what grows the economy... So, how did you become afree-trader?'
Josh: 'I came to workfor one.'


Debbie (to Jed): 'Foran Anglo Saxon, you were darn funny.'

Toby: 'He's a featherweightwho only looks like a lightweight because he's got you propping him up.'
Will: 'He's the heirapparent.'
Toby: 'Don't say 'heirapparent' when we have men in moon suits hermetically sealing the Oval.This is Russell's only shot... A night like this.'

CJ: 'If he was givingyou every opportunity, you'd have grown out of this job three years ago.Can't blame him, he's never going to find anyone as capable as you. I wouldn'tgive you up either.'
Donna: 'It's the WhiteHouse.'
CJ: 'It's not theWhite House. It's him.'

Leo (to Abby): 'Youcouldn't find a nuce baby seal campaign?'

Debbie: 'My immunesystem sees harmless ragweed pollen as poison.'

Toby: 'What you wrotefor Russell tonight was profoundly disturbing.'
Will: 'Because heupstaged the President.'
Toby: 'Because hemight win... It never for a second before crossed my mind but you keepthis up and he may win.'
Will: 'Thanks.'
Toby: 'That's nota compliment. You need to get the hell out of there. You're grooming thisclown for a victory and then what?'

Josh (to Kate): 'You'renot a spy in a Ukrainian nuclear laboratory anymore.'


Fitzwallace: 'After50 years one option would be to get over it.'

CJ: 'We need a policy.Hoping no one would notice seems to have run its course.'


Settler: 'This is thesafest environment...'
Settler: 'In Jerusalemif you see an Arab you don't know - here if you see one you know he isdangerous.'

Israeli Soldier: 'NothingI will ever do is more important.'

Bartlet: 'I promisethat those responsible will be brought to justice.'
Gail Fitzwallace:'Don't promise that. I know the world.'



Bartlet: 'Tyrannyof terror'? 'Deathmongers'? What is this, Tolkien?'

Israeli Ambassador:'Mr. President, we received information on the whereabouts of a man responsiblefor the repeated killing of our citizens. We had the specific locationand little time. Would you have done any differently?'

General (to Bartlet):'Woodrow Wilson didn't know a battalion from a battery when he took office...Admiral Fitzwallace thought you might find it... reassuring.'

Leo: 'Today's priorityis not world peace.'

Leo (about Josh): 'Adomestic political aide who refers to Italy as 'the one with the boot'.

Kate: 'If someone wantedyou dead, you'd be dead already.'
Josh: 'Yeah, that'snot reassuring.'


As it turns out, theRepublicans are pleased as punch about this trade deal, because they areWest Wing Republicans, and thus don't care about lost jobs or constituentsor anything like that, and secretly throw parties every time the rich getan opportunity to screw the poor. Oh, to live in such a simple world.
- Television Without Pityreviews 'Talking Points'

I must say I find itcompulsive, a huge dose of wish fulfilment. If only politics and politiciansreally were like this. The West Wing is a utopian looking glass to realevents... it has a better collection of moreishly sympathetic charactersthan any other drama I can remember. But there are cracks appearing. Thesnappy dialogue doesn’t quite crackle and pop as political rap the waythat it did, and the loss of Rob Lowe was severe. His replacement is apale shadow. They should have cast against type rather than going for theclone. I also rather mind being included by proxy in the clan of softlyleftie fans who get their political feelgood jollies from a dose of TheWest Wing every week. Particularly in America, it’s become PlayStationpolitics for liberals, where they get to whack the neo-cons and alwayshave the last word.
- AA Gill, reviewing season 5 for 'The Times'

Over on The West Wing,it was election day. Jed Bartlet, a sagacious Democrat president so pureof heart that even his illegal conspiracies are virtuous, took on GovernorRobert Ritchie, a Republican yahoo who is, effectively, Dubya in a pantomimecape. You can see why Americans love this show. It's what their governmentwould look like if the founding fathers' dreams had been realised. Andyou can see why politicians love it. It's a magic mirror in which eachone can be the fairest of them all. I love it because it applies the meticulousstandards of US sitcom writing to sophisticated drama. . . ah, who am Ikidding. I love it because it's a beautiful, polished soap opera and itmakes me come over tearfully patriotic for a nation I don't even belongto.
- David Bennun, in Britain's 'Mail on Sunday'

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Alias Quotes - Season Five

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Sydney: Six years ago, when I walked into that CIA office, why was Vaughn assigned to my case?
Weiss: I don't know; he asked to be. You came in, you were all screwed up, you had that freaky red hair, he likes a challenge ...
Prophet Five

Marshall: He's not gonna find Sydney and Vaughn, not from what I gave him. I encrypted Vaughn's files, 4096-bit - it'll take him years. I mean, he's an ass. Deal with it.
Prophet Five

Sydney (pleasantly surprised): You're waltzing!
Vaughn: Yep. Been practicing for our wedding.
Sydney: With whom?
Vaughn: Weiss ...
Prophet Five

'You know, this party would be a lot more fun if we were naked.' Some chick, flirting with Vaughn
Prophet Five

Sydney: I've always liked Owen.
Vaughn: Owen. Sounds like something you'd name a gerbil.
Prophet Five

Renee: How did you find me?
Sydney: I know everything.
Renee: Then you should have walked away.
Sydney: You don't know me very well.
Prophet Five

Renee: You're gonna want to step aside now.
Guard: Sexy. So I'm being threatened by a waif and a pregnant chick.
[Renee punches him and shoves him against the door.]
Renee: Is it sexy now?

Sydney: I understand why you're reluctant. You're number eight on the CIA's most wanted list, I get it. But you have to understand: these people killed my fiancé, the father of my child. I'm going to enlist every resource available to immobilize them, and if that means that this is the last time you and I see each other, that is fine by me. Just tell me how you want to do it.
Renee: Number eight?
Sydney: Yes.
Renee: I'm slipping. Used to be number six.

'Of course, the notion that anyone can ever actually be revived? Complete fiction. Believe me, I've tried.' Marshall, with a slightly disturbing testimony about cryogenics

'I'll fake it. It's all sort of German-ish, right?' Grace, after revealing he doesn't speak Czech
The Shed

Casino Security: A pregnant woman using her own baby to escape suspicion? I don't know how you live with yourself.
Sydney: What can I say, sir? [Her tone changes to serious.] I'm not like other moms.

Grace: They're ready for us. We got to go.
Rachel: Do you want to come over here and do the advanced binomial calculus? Because I'd be more than happy to stand there and watch.

Jack: You seem to be enjoying your freedom.
Sloane: I was hoping to offer you more than prison food.
Jack: I must confess I'd grown rather fond of the shepherd's pie.
Out of the Box

Tom: Apparently, you can't get good beef jerky in Germany.
Marshall: Really? I always thought of Germany as the home of processed meats.
Out of the Box

[Jack watches Tom at the firing range.]
Jack: I think you got him.
Tom: My mother always said, if somebody was worth shootin' once, they're worth shootin' twice.
Jack: I'm sorry I never met her. She sounds like my kind of woman.
Out of the Box

'I call her Charlotte - for obvious reasons.' Marshall, showing off his spider-like spy device
Out of the Box

Dixon (playing his part): I don't want the 'most secure wing.' I want the wing you reserve for people who will come looking for you in anything happens to their stuff.
Security Guy (confidently, after studying Dixon for a moment): Right this way.
Out of the Box

'We're kind of a weird family. We actually like each other.' Rachel, as she watches her family from behind a two-way mirror

Qots Season 5 Premiere

Marshall: Basically, you could lasso a missile that was headed for a military target, say, in the Middle East, and then redirect it to . . . Switzerland, you know? And then the Swiss call, and they're, like, 'Hey, uh, we're neutral, remember?'
Jack: Thank you, Marshall. I think we all understand.

'Don't ever do that spinning kung fu crap. You'll get yourself killed.' Tom, to Rachel

Tom: I fight dirty.
Rachel: 'Dirty'?
Tom: Go for the eyes, the throat, the nuts--
Rachel: The nuts?!
Tom: --cause as much damage, inflict as much pain as humanly possible.
Rachel: I don't know if I can do that.
Tom: Well then, you shouldn't be here!

'That was better. I want to see more of that.' Tom, after Rachel punches him for being a jerk

'Listen, I've had to do a little alias magic myself to save the day a few times . . . Do you know what a spork is?' Marshall, to Rachel as they watch Sydney

Tom: You okay?
Rachel: If by 'okay' you mean 'freaked and embarrassed,' then yeah, I'm great.

Janos: I am Janos.
Rachel: Ra . . . Mandy.
Janos: Ray-mandy. A beautiful name.

Sydney (on comms): What's he doing?
Rachel: Eating dirt. I just hit him with a shovel.
Sydney: A shovel? Is he conscious?
Rachel: Yeah, I think so.
Sydney: Then hit him again.
Fait Accompli

Sydney: Have you ever actually built anything before?
Jack: Yes, in fact. I built your crib.
Sydney: Really.
Jack: Well, your mother and I did it together . . .
Fait Accompli

British Lady: Have you chosen a name? I myself have always been partial to Rupert. Such a distinguished name. A shame it's fallen out of favor. Wouldn't you agree, dear?
Sydney: Rupert. It's a classic.

Elizabeth: Unless she's wearing a very convincing disguise--
Jack: --I'm going to be a grandfather. A very young grandfather.

Sark (American accent): The conference that bad?
Rachel (British accent): No, it's just . . . you know . . . tough day. Sometimes at these work events I feel like I'm in over my head. I just started in a new division; it's a bit more responsibility. More risks.
Sark: Sounds like you need to rethink your perspective a little bit. Anything in life worth doing has an element of risk. It's what makes life interesting.

Rachel: There's this one woman; she's amazing and she's about to have a baby. I'm not sure I could manage work and a goldfish.
Sark: Well, aquariums are overrated. Remember that.

Sark: We're in the tropics, so how about some rum?
[He sees her with her clothes, about to leave.]
Sark: Okay, so . . . you hate rum.

Rachel: So, what happened?
Sark: I overestimated my friendship with Masari. He assumed I was betraying him, and he took the money, and he left.
Rachel: Oh. So then, he knows you pretty well.
[Sark nods an affirmative.]

[Rachel starts to cut a wire on the bomb.]
Sark: W-wait. If that's the wrong one--
Rachel: I thought you liked risks.
Sark: I also like my body . . . As I recall, you do, too.

'It's nice to see girl like you eating noodle. My granddaughter, she tell me, 'Too many carbs!' A street vendor, to Peyton
The Horizon

Sydney: So this is where I'll be getting my epidural.
Doctor: Yes, it is, if you want one.
Sydney: I do. I'm- I'm not a big fan of pain.
The Horizon

Vaughn: We should think about more names for the baby.
Sydney: There will be plenty of time for that.
Vaughn: I know . . . What do you think about Oscar?
Sydney: What if we have a girl?
Vaughn (with a laugh): I meant for a girl.
The Horizon

Dr. Desantis: You can't do anything to me now. I'm quite prepared to die.
[Jack gives Renee the gun.]
Jack: See if he means it.
The Horizon

Peyton: You tracked me with the radio.
Sydney: Not really. You're just predictable.

[Dixon discreetly sets off the alarm.]
Marshall: Maybe they found out I've decoded the message! We should RUN!
Dixon (whispering): Take it down a notch, Hamlet.

Devlin: How's life underground treating you?
Jack: Good. Always . . . full of surprises.

Sydney: I can fend for myself.
Dixon: But you're not just fending for yourself. You're fending for two. And let's be honest, Syd . . . Right now, you waddle.
Sydney: I don't waddle.
Dixon: Oh yes, you do.
Sydney: I'll admit I may be a little less graceful, but I don't waddle.
Dixon: You're right. Actually it's more of a teeter...
Maternal Instinct

Irina: Look at us. About to become grandparents.
Jack: I'm doing my best to ignore that.
Maternal Instinct

Bank Manager: It's so sweet how your daughter wants to please you.
Jack: She's our pride and joy.
Bank Manager: I'm sure she'll be a wonderful parent to her own child.
Irina: Oh, thank you.
Bank Manager: She has two such lovely role models.
Maternal Instinct

Irina: If Peyton's here, she's here to kill me, too.
Jack: She's going to be very disappointed, because I'm about to beat her to it.
Maternal Instinct

'This really is no place for you, Grandpa. By the way, where's Sydney registered? I'd love to get her a gift for the baby.' Peyton, to Jack
Maternal Instinct

Anna: Get out of my cell.
Peyton: If I'm interrupting your busy schedule of invasive interrogation, I do apologize.
There's Only One Sydney Bristow

Jack: You do not leave edged weapons within the reach of children.
Sydney: She's four weeks old, Dad.
Jack: Particularly young Bristow women.
Sydney: She can't even hold her head up. I think we're safe.
There's Only One Sydney Bristow

Rance: With your permission, Ma'am, we'd like to go through the house, baby-proof it from top to bottom. Socket protectors, safety latches, gates on stairs. Spread-spectrum RF protectors, perimeter sensors, explosive sniffers. All the usual stuff.
There's Only One Sydney Bristow

Sydney: How can you be marrying a girl I haven't even met yet?
Will: Well, you know, I think the Government-mandated isolation might have something to do with it.
There's Only One Sydney Bristow

Sydney: We were talking about what happened. We have to assume you were grabbed because someone was trying to hurt me.
Will: Well, yeah. I didn't think they wanted me for all the Lakers statistics I have in my head.
There's Only One Sydney Bristow

Dixon: What about the message?
Tom: You mean the one buried in a 500-year-old piece of paper? Are we taking that seriously?
Jack: We've seen too much not to.
30 Seconds

Peyton: It's been almost a week already, Mr. Sloane. So, when do you think we may see some results?
Sloane: This isn't a crossword puzzle, Miss Peyton. The key to Rambaldi's endgame is encoded within that manuscript, where it has remained hidden for the past five hundred years . . . I hardly think that a week is unreasonable.
I See Dead People

'The doctor says I don't need this anymore. I think it looks debonair.' Vaughn, about the cane he's using
I See Dead People

'What was it you wanted? Clementine?' Vaughn, about naming the baby Isabelle
I See Dead People

Sloane: Why don't you understand, Nadia . . . Every sacrifice I've ever made has been for the greater good.
Nadia: Yet every sacrifice you've made has come at someone else's expense.
I See Dead People

Marshall: You know, I cried at your funeral.
Vaughn: Um, yeah, uh . . . sorry about that.
Marshall: No, no. Thank you. I need a good cry every now and again.
No Hard Feelings

Peyton: To the great Anna Espinosa.
Sydney (posing as Anna): 'Great' seems a little strong, doesn't it?
No Hard Feelings

Sydney: Where are you?
Jack: Right now? In your kitchen, playing with Isabelle.
[Actually, he's just standing in front of the baby.]
Sydney: You are? How is she?
Jack: Happy.
[Isabelle coos.]
Sydney: Dad, did she just--
Jack: --giggle? Yeah. Apparently I'm funny.
No Hard Feelings

'You're shorter than I remember.' Dixon, teasing Vaughn
No Hard Feelings

[Vaughn tells Dixon how Jack saved his life by faking his death.]
Vaughn: You know, it's funny. It's the first time I ever felt Jack accepted me.
Dixon: Or else he manufactured a very elaborate scheme to postpone your wedding to his daughter...
No Hard Feelings

'Fortunately, she looks more like her mother.' Dixon, giving Vaughn a picture of Isabelle
No Hard Feelings

'I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you want my advice, I'd take Tokyo Rose in the third. It's a sure bet.' Sark, either saying a code phrase or just making conversation
No Hard Feelings

'And yet, Anna, here you are, looking better than ever.' Sark, insulting Anna and complimenting Sydney
No Hard Feelings

Jack: Do it quickly. I don't like the idea of Sydney being in a maximum security prison with Sark as her backup.
No Hard Feelings

Rachel: Can I help?
Tom: Yeah, just . . . keep an eye out for the guard.
[She watches him start to work on the car.]
Rachel: Is there any particular reason you're connecting the carburetor to the intake tube?
Tom: This is the carburetor?
Tom: Maybe, uh, . . . I should keep an eye out for the guard . . .
No Hard Feelings

[Marshall offers some technical advice.]
Vaughn: You know what he's talking about?
Dixon: Fifty percent.
No Hard Feelings

Vaughn (to Isabelle): Gonna be just like your mom, aren't you.
Sydney: Oh, I hope not. I hope she's a . . . doctor, or a teacher, or just anything that does not involve wearing a wig.
No Hard Feelings

Tom: Why do I always get the assignments that involve hypothermia?
Jack (on comms): Because you're always late to briefings.

Sloane: Don't be difficult. Think about your son . . . Marshall, you're not cut out for this.
Marshall (glaring at Sloane): You know, I never liked you. I tolerated you because I had to. You know, because you were my superior. And I was afraid of you. I saw how twisted you were . . . But now I see you for who you really are. You are a weak, pathetic man. You know, you're right. I'm not cut out for this. But I am thinking about my son. I want Mitchell to look up to me, to be proud of his dad. Which is why, no matter what you do to me? I'll never help you.

Marshall: What's that, a garrote? You carry a garrote?
Rachel: It's an underwire. Sometimes it pays to be a girl.

Sloane: Don't tell me you're having second thoughts.
Sark: Of course not. It's just, it's not every day one gets to be part of . . . global genocide.
All the Time in the World

Vaughn: You think it's Sloane?
Sydney: Whatever he's up to, he said it was too late to be stopped.
Vaughn: He also said that he'd wipe out everyone at APO. He was wrong.
All the Time in the World

One Tree Hill Quotes Season 5

'Does it have to be so filthy? If Rambaldi can prophesy the future, he might advise me not to wear five hundred dollar shoes.' Sark, entering the chamber in Mongolia
All the Time in the World

Nadia: Is it everything you imagined?
Sloane: Nadia. I'm so glad you're here. If I didn't have someone to share this with, I may have doubted my own eyes.
Nadia: You're talking to your dead daughter. This is an odd time to question your sanity.
All the Time in the World

Sark: You shot me!
Vaughn: Yeah, and I'll keep shooting you until you either give me the codes or bleed to death. Your choice.
All the Time in the World

Dixon: Who knows. Could be fun.
Sydney: That's what you say every time you show up on my doorstep. And the next thing you know, I'm jumping over canals in three-inch heels while Napalm explodes around me.
Dixon: Yes. That's how I define 'fun.'
All the Time in the World

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